“Give yourself permission to live a big life. Step into what you were meant to be.

Stop playing small. You’re meant for greater things”

Do you ever get the sense that something is missing?

Perhaps you feel that something is holding you back from being who you want to be, who you were supposed to be?

Do you feel stuck in a situation or relationship that is squashing you… you can’t breath or even think straight about what it is you want?

Maybe you have lost your spark?  You’re no longer sure who you are as you perform a million different roles… but feel you’re not good enough in any of them?

If you resonate with any of that then firstly, I know the place you are in right now and I know it can feel, well just the very opposite of free…

But secondly, you are in the right place, so please keep reading because you are exactly why I created Be Free Coaching (that and because I have also been in that place, I have been where you are now, I get it...but more on that later)

For now, I’m guessing you are ready to get unstuck and start living life to the full? 

You’re ready to feel free?

Then keep on reading…


My approach and values

My approach to coaching was born from both my personal journey and my training and it is underpinned by a few principles that guide everything I do:

Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Physical and Mental Wellbeing



Comfort Zone

No Fads or Gimmicks

Physical and mental wellbeing are the essential foundations on which we build resilience. Without resilience we cannot get brave enough to make change, more than that, we don’t have the clarity about what change is even needed.  We will begin your coaching journey by building these strong foundations from which you will feel confident to experiment, get playful and curious and take those steps into a freer and more fulfilled life.

Whilst we’re talking about experimentation, let’s talk about individuality.  We are all beautifully different.  My journey will not look like yours.  The things that make you feel free and alive will not work for others.  Therefore, there is no rule book so where does that leave us?  I’ll tell you…it leaves us free!  Free to get curious.  Free to experiment.  Free to try new things and to develop self-awareness so we know what to keep on doing and what zaps us and needs ditching PDQ!

Authenticity is about living your life in line with your values and who you are.  Living out of alignment with who you are impacts EVERYTHING…your relationships, career, health and happiness.  Okay, so that’s great … so long as you know who you are and what you stand for!  The problem is if you’re feeling stuck and lost you may also feel you no longer know who you are, so now what?  .  Through coaching, we will work together to help you to reconnect with YOU. To discover again what makes you feel free and alive and then, how to live a life aligned to that.  Living with authenticity also requires us to be real and to be brave, which leads me to…

Change does not happen when you stay still and do nothing.  It only happens when we get outside our comfort zone and take action.  This doesn’t mean scaring yourself silly by taking giant leaps, instead it’s about taking small steps to challenge yourself.  In doing so you gain confidence, self-awareness and get brave…and then the magic happens.  I am all about supporting you to take action – that might mean holding your hand or challenging you to think or do differently, or often both!  In either case I’ll be right by your side.

Change does not happen overnight and anyone that promises it does is lying!  Or, at best, overnight change is not sustainable or the kind of change that you would want or need!  I promise not to sell you fads and gimmicks.  I will show you strategies and tools based on solid research and introduce you to ways of thinking that you can add to your ‘Be Free Tool Box’ to be used throughout coaching and throughout your life - Coaching is only the beginning of your journey!


Coaching and me…

I came into coaching because I truly believe it’s what my life was meant to be.  I will bring all of that to our sessions.  For me that means being open, honest, real, challenging, supportive and available.  My passion comes from having been where you are and I will bring all of my tools, my experience, my learning, my warmth, my openness and my genuine desire to support you on your journey.  I will always be appreciative of the fact you have trusted me to be part of that journey.

If my approach speaks to you then book a discovery call today.