Successful coaching is only possible when we both feel able to work together.


This is about YOUR life, asking you to get BRAVE and to make CHANGE. 

Coaching will enable you to get clarity, to remove the barriers stopping you from making change and then to take the action needed to get your journey started. 

How can you possibly do that with a Coach that you do not feel connected to?  Well, you can’t!

That’s one of the reasons why I would like to tell you a little about me.

The other reason is it’s part of my value base – to be open and authentic (I mentioned that earlier and now I’m putting it into practice!)

So this is me…

Ten years ago I had a great job – it was secure, financially rewarding and the career ladder was beckoning me onwards and upwards…

I had also been married for 18 years and we had an amazing son who I am beyond proud of and, who, by the way, will always be my why.

I had a gorgeous group of friends and a loving and supportive family.

I also had an overwhelming sense of emptiness.  Everything felt wrong and yet nothing at all.  I no longer loved the job I had adored and instead felt like I was going through the motions, like being on a never-ending treadmill.  Sleep, work, eat, repeat…

Eventually this impacted me in ways I did not understand at the time.  For the first time ever I experienced anxiety, I struggled to sleep and suffered with panic attacks.  I felt like my brain was working against me and my view of the world no longer felt safe.

I wanted the world just to stop and let me breathe… but of course it kept on going.

With the amazing support of my loved ones, counselling and a fabulous coach I slowly regained control.  I did this by taking action…for me this was researching everything I possibly could about how to feel like me again.  How to beat the anxiety and how to feel safe again.  This was my first understanding of the foundations of wellbeing – I exercised, I ate well, I learned about mindfulness, I practiced yoga (badly!), through coaching I learned about strategies and tools I could use to manage my mindsight and beat my anxiety.

And I got stronger both physically and mentally.   As I did so I began to gain better clarity (that’s why the foundations need to be built first!), on lots of things but mainly that the life I was living and the work I was doing meant that I had to be ‘less me’.  I had to change to ‘fit’.  This was making me ill.

The next part of my journey was the hardest by far.  Now I had this awareness there was no way I could stay put.

First, I began re-training: Coaching, mindfulness, Personal Training, Mental Health and more.  For a while I continued to work and then I took the plunge and left.  I had felt unable to leave my job (more than that, I felt ridiculous for even thinking about it; climbing the ladder and being sensible was what you’re supposed to do!) because it gave me financial security but eventually that security left me feeling trapped and stuck and, worse still, it stole my essential va va voom! (and that was making me ill).  My friends said, ‘aren’t you brave’.  It didn’t feel brave.  In fact, by then, it felt so much harder to stay.

A few years later I began to face the truth that my marriage was no longer working.  Leaving my marriage was and will always be the hardest thing I have ever done for a trillion reasons.  This is not just my story so I will only say this; I have used every tool in my coaching box and leaned on the amazing support of my coach and my loved ones in order to come through this change with resilience and with even more passion about supporting other women to get unstuck…whether that be relationships, career, health or that ‘missing thing’ you can’t put your finger on.

I have spent the last 7 years working with businesses delivering workplace wellbeing programmes which included delivering workshops on all things wellbeing (sleep, stress, resilience, mental health, work/life balance, movement…to name but a few).  I have also coached numerous individuals and groups within the workplace to help them to remove their barriers to energy, health, passion and to reconnect with who they are.

As I write this website I am sitting overlooking the sea in the warm winter sunshine of Malta.  I am here because I have dreamed of escaping the UK winter forever and because I wanted to feel totally free to think, to get creative and to launch this coaching business.  I also wanted to challenge myself…could I really spend two months completely alone in a country where I don’t know another soul? 

The answer is yes … with a few wobbles, moments of ‘what the hell are you doing?’ and lots of moments of complete and total freedom and happiness.

I have been on a journey that has been amazing and hard and scary and exhilarating, in equal measure…and I know it is not over yet.

It would be a privilege to be part of your journey.