Frequently Asked Questions.

Coaching is a commitment – it requires your time and your willingness to do the work and it also requires a financial commitment.

I get that, and so it is likely that you have some questions. 

I’ve tried to address what they might be below but if you have others that I have not covered then the best way to learn more is to set up a chat with me.  A Discovery Call is the only way you will really know if this is right for you.

In the meantime I hope this helps…

1.    What is coaching (and what isn’t it)?

Coaching is basically about three things, when you really boil it down.  It is about enabling the coachee to:

  • Get clarity on what they want and, as important, what they don’t want. 

  • Identify the barriers to achieving their goals

  • Take action to remove those barriers and to create a positive change, in order to achieve their goals.

For me, it’s also got to be about equipping my coachee with the self-awareness, the tools and the strategies to continue their journey because coaching is only the beginning.

Coaching is not counselling.  Counselling supports clients to understand why they think or behave as they do, by analysing past experiences.   In contrast, coaching deals with the here and now and is more focused on action.

There is a place for both and if I feel that my coachee would benefit from undertaking counselling rather than coaching I will refer them to counselling services.

2. I know coaching would benefit me but can I really afford it?

Okay, let’s tackle this one head on! 

First, what are you really asking?  Are you asking “Can I afford to invest in coaching because money is tight?” Or are you actually (or also) asking “Can I really justify spending this money on myself?  Isn’t it a bit self-indulgent and frivolous?” (about now your inner voice might also chuck in, “You should be able to sort yourself out on your own– just try harder!”)

If money is tight then I totally get that finding the money to invest in yourself is a big decision but I’m just going to say it how it is, most of us can find the kind of money we are talking about here.  It might make things a little tighter and you may need to reduce costs elsewhere but if you want to do it and it is right for you, you’ll find the money. There, I said it!

However, if money is a serious barrier but you really feel coaching could help you then get in touch anyway, let’s talk and see what we can come up with.  I will never ever put you under pressure or ask you to go into debt…coaching is about getting you free not putting you into more of a trap!

Possibly the harder one to tackle (because this is about our deep-rooted beliefs and self-worth) – “Are you worth it?” So, I am a Coach that specialises in helping women get free because I have lived and breathed what that means both personally and through my clients…so guess what my answer might be!  There honestly and truly is no price you can put on feeling free to live the life you’re supposed to be and in a way that is aligned to who you are.  (I’d also add…if you don’t think you’re worth it maybe coaching is exactly what you need)

I do not want money to be a barrier to you getting free which is why I offer monthly payment plans.  Group Coaching can also be a great option as you get to share the cost with your group members.

3. Will Coaching work for me?

Coaching is not a magic wand.  Turning up every fortnight does not mean guaranteed success.  Coaching can be hard work because it asks you to get out of your comfort zone – to think and do differently.  It also asks you to prioritise the time (even when you’re busy) and put the work in in between sessions.  If you don’t do that, it won’t work.

However, turn up to coaching with an open mind.  Commit to the process and the time needed.  Get curious and experimental and be prepared to be challenged and coaching can only move you forward.

There’s an old saying, “Always do what you’ve always done and you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.  Ring true? Maybe it’s time to try a different approach.

4. Why do I need a Discovery Call and what can I expect from it?

Coaching requires you to be honest and open.  It asks you to be brave and experiment with different ways of thinking or doing things.  It works because a good coach that is a right match for you will provide equal measures of information and education, challenge and accountability.  If you do not feel comfortable with your coach then this critical relationship cannot develop.

The free 30 minute Discovery Call on Zoom provides us both with the chance to meet and to explore what you hope to get from coaching.  I can also provide you with information about the coaching process and what you can expect.

Following the Discovery Call you will be in a much better position to know if coaching is right for you and to know if I am the right coach for you.  This starts your journey in the best possible way.

5. I’m in a hurry to make change so why can’t I have coaching more than once a fortnight?

I hear ya!  You’ve made the decision that you’re ready for change and now you just want to get on with it.

But hold your horses just a sec.  The coaching process is more than just the actual coaching sessions itself, in fact, much of the work happens in between the sessions.  That’s when you will reflect, experiment in new ways following insights from our sessions, complete exercises and quite simply, just think.  This is when the magic happens – we develop self-awareness and get in tune with what is right for us and what is not.  Only then  can we take action.

I know that staying still at a time when you are desperate to get unstuck can feel so uncomfortable.  It forces you to sit with difficult emotions that we are keen to get away from.

But trust me. The only way to change is to go through it, and we will do that together.

6. Why do we need a contract?

Coaching is built on a professional relationship between the two of us in which we both fully understand what we can expect of each other and what we are trying to achieve.  Without this it’s like setting off on an expedition around the world without a map!

It is this relationship that is key to the success of the process so the contract is critical.  The contract will include your goals for coaching and what we can expect of each other, such as time commitment, availability, cancellations, communication between sessions.

We are then both heading out on this journey in the same direction - which means we’re much more likely to reach the destination 😊

7. Where does Coaching happen?

 My Group and One to One coaching packages are all delivered via Zoom (if you don’t have zoom or have never used it, don’t worry.  It’s very simple – if I can do it anyone can, trust me!)

 This makes Coaching convenient and easy to access no matter where you are.

 You may be worried about whether you will get as much from coaching on-line when you prefer to be face to face, especially when talking about personal things.  In my experience, my clients quickly forget they are on-line and get immersed in the session.  In some cases, it can also actually help clients to talk more openly and freely as it can feel less intimidating than sitting face to face and eye ball to eye ball with someone.

 The Discovery Call is on Zoom so will give you a good insight into whether it could work for you.

 I would just say one thing about coaching on-line that you will need to consider.  It’s really important that you have privacy and feel able to talk openly.  That means finding a time and a place where you are not going to be overheard or interrupted by family, house-mates or colleagues.


I hope you’ve had your questions answered but if you have more that is totally fine. 

The best way to have them addressed is to jump on a Discovery Call with me or if you have a burning question you want clearing up first then that’s also totally fine.  Just send me a message at